Tuesday, April 18, 2023

 Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Larvikite, Larvikite is a wise and protective stone. It cancels out dark magic and hexes, and repels all forms of negative energy. It cleanses our spiritual bodies of old energy that no longer serves us, including painful karma from past lives. Larvikite helps us to swiftly learn whatever lessons needed to be learned, and then to move forward peacefully. Larvikite teaches us how to see ourselves with the kind and sage eyes of our Highest Self. It inspires patience, compassion and a remarkably grounded common-sense. Larvikite reveals reality very clearly. It councils us to be careful not to believe everything we think and feel, without first testing it against Truth. It is a wonderful meditation tool, sharpening our mind’s focus and dismissing extraneous thoughts. It is also a powerful shaman stone, sharpening our inner visions, strengthening our psychic powers and protecting us during astral travels. Larvikite helps us to sense the presence of nature spirits and to reconnect to nature if we have gotten lost in the trappings of civilization.

Larvikite is a stone that evokes inner strength by stimulating creativity, wisdom, and security in one’s intellect. Commonly used in meditation to produce inner visions, Larvikite is known to enhance psychic abilities, helping us see ourselves through our Higher Self and promote clarity to past-life recall visions. The grounding energy in Larvikite makes it ideal for grounding during a deep meditation or astral travel, acting as an anchor to guide your soul back to your body. 

This stone is beneficial in learning and developing all varieties of intuitive and magical abilities.  It helps with meditation, journeying, visualizing, divination, spellwork, past life and soul work. Larvikite helps you absorb Spiritual learning and learn complicated practices and rituals. It grounds your physical self and protects you while you are in Higher Realms. Wear Larvikite if you are embarking on deep and intense meditation practices, so the stone can act as your anchor to guide your Soul back to your body. Larvikite also dispels negativity and deflects spells aimed at the wearer. Larvikite helps to remove negative attachments from a person and block reattachment.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Larvikite

Larvikite is a protective and grounding stone.  It is cleansing to the subtle bodies and facilitates a strong connection with the energies of Earth, helping to connect with the spirits of Nature.  Larvikite stimulates inner visions and enhances our psychic abilities.  It allows us to see the past, providing clarity to visions of past life recall.  Larvikite can neutralise and cancel spells that are no longer wanted.  It repels negative energy.  Larvikite increases our security in the strength of our own intellect, stimulates creativity and the exchange of wisdom.  Larvikite helps us to see ourselves through the eyes of our higher self.  Larvikite teaches patience, and can support when completion and closure to a goal is required.  It also helps us to understand and resolve complicated facts and to make decisions that are rational and sober and not based upon our emotions.

Larvikite is an deeply Elemental gemstone and is extremely useful for rituals and practices that are powered by the Elements. It helps you get in touch with nature. It has an especially deep connection with the Water element, so is most energetic during rain storms and near bodies of water. If you are feeling house bound or disconnected from Nature, wearing Larvikite outside will help you access and absorb Earth and other Elemental energy to revive you and deepen your connection with the Earth. It is very useful for healing Root Chakra imbalances.

Supportive and protective, Larvikite teaches patience and can support you as you work towards completing a goal. It opens new doors and can help you better adapt to change. It assists the brain to sort through complicated information and make rational decisions, supporting cognitive functions and allowing you to take in new information with ease. The protective energies of this stone will protect you day-to-day and while you sleep, keeping nightmares and negative energy at bay. 

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Larvikite

Larvikite helps us process the past and release trauma and pain. It supports us when we desperately want closure. When closure is possible, it shows us the quickest way forward. When it isn’t possible, Larvikite holds us steady so that we can accept reality for what it is. Larvikite encourages us to be more emotionally-aware and in-control. It increases our awareness of our beliefs, conscious and unconscious, as well as our thoughts and emotions. Rather than trusting them implicitly, Larvikite helps us to test these mental musings against reality. If reality offers a different perspective, Larvikite helps us to shift into alignment with the truth. This re-alignment, may not always bring pleasure, but it will always bring clarity and from there, the surest path to long-term peace. Larvikite gives us gifts of self-confidence, self-reliance and resiliency. It reminds us that we are strong enough and capable enough to handle life’s challenges. Larvikite also helps us to better understand other people, including where they are coming from emotionally and what beliefs are motivating their actions. Larkivite reminds us to be patient and to focus on what is in our control.

Larvikite is also cleansing to the physical body; it can remove toxins and negative energy blocks while enhancing vitality and youthfulness.  It can treat physical ailments like skin disorders, aid in muscular detoxification, and boost metabolism to support weight loss. Larvikite calms nervous energy and can assist with treating anxiety. A powerful dispeller of negative energy, Larvikite neutralizes anxiety and removes the burden of stress, allowing one to live each moment fully. It focuses on positivity and harnesses good vibrations within, a powerful talisman that can benefit every aspect of life!

Larvikite assists the brain to take in new information more easily.  It creates new pathways for knowledge to travel and can open new doors for us.  Larvikite can help to make us more adaptable to situations. Larvikite can help with learning disabilities.  It can be used to treat skin disorders and enhances vitality and youthfulness.  Larvikite aids in the recovery of strokes and helps brain function.  It cleanses and purifies body tissue, harmonises the metabolism and helps with muscular detoxification.  Larvikite calms the nerves and will cool and reduce blood pressure.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Larvikite

Larvikite is an excellent meditation stone because of its cleansing and grounding properties that can enhance your meditation practice with countless benefits for your physical body and subtle body. This stone dispels negative energy all around you and empowers you to breathe in positive energy. It will eliminate impurities in your body and auric field to promote a free flow of energy and awareness. It can drown out ambient noises allowing you to focus on the breath more easily. If astral travel is within your practice, Larvikite will ground you and serve as an anchor for your soul to return to your body. 

Larvikite is recommended for problems associated with the physical brain. It can help us figure out how to work around and work with learning disabilities or learning differences. It reminds us that as long as we reach the end-goal, the specific path that took us there isn’t important. Larvikite is also supportive after a stroke or other brain injury. It offers comfort as we try to rebuild neural pathways or to find new workarounds. If we feel frustrated because our brain isn’t doing what we want it to do, Larvikite teaches patience, acceptance and helps us to focus on what we can control or affect.

Larvikite cleanses the energetic body and offers protection, and grounding through nature. Larvikite is an ideal stone to use to enhance inner vision and psychic abilities. It can be used to work with past life regressions to offer insight and healing by proving clarity to our pasts. It amplifies our sense of confidence in our own minds, our creative hearts, and our innate wisdom. Larvikite offers patience, support, and provides that extra push to help us complete a task or goal. It also helps us make rational, thoughtful decisions rather than act from impulse and emotion. Larvikite is used to help those of us who struggle with learning disabilities, by opening new doors in the mind, while optimizing youthfulness, levity, and vitality. It is an excellent stone for those of us with nervous system disorders, or those of us who have suffered a stroke or traumatic brain injury.


Astrological Signs: Aquarius

Chakra: Root

Element: Water

Planet: Uranus


Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Youngite

 Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Youngite, Youngite is a mix of jasper and microcrystalline druzy quartzes. It is a rare stone that you can mainly find in the state of Wyoming in the USA. The hues of this stone can vary from pink to beige. It is slightly fluorescent when put under ultraviolet because its light radioactivity that is due to its uranium. However, it is a harmless dosis for man.

 It helps to connect you with your intuition and guides you to make the right choices in life. This stone also encourages you to be more creative and optimistic and take risks while staying grounded in reality. Youngite helps you to stay positive and motivated, especially during challenging times. It is a great stone to keep with you when starting a new project or goal. Youngite brings a great sense of joy and peace. It works well during times of distress and sadness and is especially good for loss and dealing with grief or bereavement. Youngite is a good crystal for meditation, especially for those who find it difficult to clear their minds & focus.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Youngite

Youngite is also known for helping you access different planes of existence. This is why it is a very popular shaman stone. Many shaman and people who help to retrieve soul fragments use youngite to help them navigate the other planes of existence. It especially helps you with connecting to those aspects of you that broke of as a child. Youngite I can help you through meditation to bring those lost parts back or to help heal those areas so your lost parts will come back to you on their own.

It has a rather gentle feel to it, almost like it is smiling at you. I found it to be very nurturing, even before I started working with it, as if it were saying, everything would be ok. It has remained such a gentle spirit stone to this day. It’s energy is so joyful to be around, just having it will give you a healing feeling.

Youngite is very supportive during times of stress. It can help to bring order and clarity to those who feel overwhelmed by the task of organisation. It assists when we are feeling overwhelmed, helping to remain calm, focused. It brings mental clarity by improving concentration and focus. Youngite encourages us to be honest and to live honorably. It inspires bravery and helps us to take action with unpleasant tasks, while giving us the confidence to achieve goals. Youngite is a dynamic stone that unites courage and strength with love and gentleness. It can help us feel safe and secure so that we are able to more fully explore our spiritual selves.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Youngite

Youngite can also infuse you with deep feelings of joy and happiness. It can encourage you to find happiness in everything that you do, even with the things that you do not enjoy or you are not good at. It helps in promoting contentment and reminds you that there’s no such thing as a perfect life, only a happy life. Youngite is known for its detoxifying energies that can help rid of the unwanted vibrations and toxicities in your emotional body. It helps in supporting the emotional body in recovering from a traumatic experience while boosting your sagging spirit. This way, you can feel optimistic again about your life.

A powerful grounding stone, Youngite can also help you stay stable amidst all the challenges in your life. It helps in centering yourself while promoting clarity of thinking. This way, you can find better solutions to your issues while helping you find the reason to keep fighting and dreaming. It acts as a soothing balm to your emotions after experiencing disappointments or heartaches. Not only that, but this stone can also help you in developing a resilient spirit that can help you face the challenges with courage, confidence and grace. Youngite is a stone that can take care of you during moments of weakness or stress. It helps in bringing tranquility and peace to your emotional body. Also, this stone can provide a much-needed boost of energy. It rekindles your passion and energy, allowing you to control your emotions and not the other way around. It also helps in showing the things that might be preventing you from gaining emotional stability and from being the best person that you can be.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Youngite

The harmonious energy of the Youngite can help bring balance to your overactive root chakra. As a result, the body regains its stamina, vitality and strength. Your spiritual energy is also rekindled in the form of a sense of your own power, stability and security. This can lead to spontaneous leadership and independence. Also, thanks to its connection to Mother Earth, Youngite also offers strong energies of grounding that will keep your feet planted to the reality, allowing you to stay present despite the overwhelming challenges in your life.

Youngite is also thought to provide mental clarity and focus to its wearer. The uplifting stone may help to increase organization and decrease stress. Youngite has been viewed as symbolizing the variety that is the Earth, and all the balance and grounding that implies. Youngite is a particularly good grounding stone which can assist those who feel overwhelmed. It can enhance organizational abilities whilst helping in developing creativity. Youngite encourages empathy and communication with animals and can help with allergies to animals and in general. It absorbs negative energy and promotes health, healing and recovery from illness.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Youngite

Youngite is used as a crystal for protection in the afterlife, as a totem to invoke rainfall, and more. The idea of being a “whole” person is about learning how to deal with your emotions and the ongoing challenges that life throws at you. It’s easy to succumb to the struggles of everyday life. What’s not easy is finding the power to learn from those difficulties and move forward with vigor. Youngite clears the air and helps you understand your emotions better than ever before. Learn why you feel the way you do and how you got there. That nugget of understanding can help you overcome any emotional challenge while still staying true to who you are as a person.


Astrological Sign: Aries, Scorpio

Chakra: Root, Sacral

Element: Fire

Planet: Mars

Crystal Grids 101

 Crystal Grids 101, Crystal grids, like many crystal rituals, amplify your intentions. Intentions are the most important aspect of creating the grid since the goal of the grid is to manifest said intention. Choose something clear, positive, and felt deep within your heart. It should be about you, not others. Many people choose to write down multiple goals related to the intention since a crystal grid is a spectacular moment for focused health and manifestation. 

Crystal grids are incredibly magical and powerful ways to manifest your dreams and intentions.

A crystal grid is powerful because of the combined energies of the crystals that you use, the way you lay them out, and the intentions that you set. In simple terms, a crystal grid is a special arrangement of crystals, stones and other nature elements laid out with intention to manifest a specific desire.
There are no real hard rules when it comes to creating your Crystal grid. It’s best to let your intuition guide you and work with what your heart feels called to. Some people like to use cloth or wood with sacred geometry and mystical designs on them, others like to include elements from nature like flowers and leaves and twigs and herbs, some people choose their stones based on the specific properties of the individual crystals and how they relate to each other, but again there is no wrong way to put together your Crystal grid.

If you have some manifesting to do and goals to work on, it's certainly worth exploring the supernatural universe of a crystal grid. By consolidating your intentions with the power of sacred geometry and precious crystals, you can turn the energy behind your desire up!

Crystal grids can be channeled to make good vibes ideal for your sacred space, alter area, a study space, or a workplace. Regardless of whether your intentions are centered around wealth and achievement, living your best life, discovering harmony and tranquility, or keeping up protection and security, the crystals can help you align your energy.

What is a Crystal Grid?

Crystal grids are communities of crystals living together to amplify each other. They strengthen themselves by evoking the mantra of, power in numbers.  

Sacred geometric patterns house crystals to create a unique synergy through a specific vibrational blueprint. Each grid has its own energetic footprint and charges a harmonic resonance in its orbit.

Crystal Grids 101

Patterns are energetic visuals that can be absorbed and emulated. We look to natures designs, sacred geometry and forms to model our energy and behavior. Beautiful patterns with crystals release a palpable frequency and energetic vibration we can absorb. Changing the pattern of your environment and energy field can have the power to transform you and your space. 

Creating A Grid

The most important thing to remember? Listen to your intuition. There are no hardcore rules or perfect ways to do things in spirituality. The main goal is to focus on your intention. The crystal grid helps you maintain your awareness of your intention while also letting it go. So much of energy healing and manifestation is not being overly attached to the outcome. That can affect the energy. Should one bad day keep you from manifesting your dream home or ideal partner? Use your crystal grid as a reminder to boost your mood and energy and raise your spirits. 

Crystal grids act as great subconscious reminders of the intention(s) you set when you make them. Plus, they can be incorporated into the design of your room to provide ambiance and help make your space feel special. 

Crystal Grids 101

What You’ll Need for Your Crystal Grid

  • Crystal Grid – You can pick a specific design or just go with your intuition. You can draw or paint your crystal grid pattern onto paper or wood. You can even just print them out.
  • Crystals – You’ll need a center crystal, activation crystal, and smaller crystals to fill in the space.
  • Location – Find the right place in your home to set up your crystal grid that is free of a lot of movement or disruption. You can even use feng shui to help augment your grid. 
  • Intention – Write your intention on a piece of paper such as “I want to clear negative energy from my home.” and place this underneath your center crystal.
  • (Optional) Candles & Energy Tools – Feel free to surround your grid with singing bowls, incense, your favorite candle, or anything you feel helps bring the right energy.


Before building your grid have a good idea of your intention, of how you are going to work with this grid. This intention will determine the types of stones, there color, and will determine what else you will use with your grid.

Choose Your Stones

You’ll want to choose crystals that have the properties that coincide with your intention. If you want to work with Love - pink stones like rose quartz or pink opal can work. If working on Communication - blue stones like lapis or blue quartz can work. If working on Grounding - black or red stones like smoky quartz or black tourmaline or red jasper can work.

Crystal Grids 101


You will need a space for your grid. Try to find a spot that will not be used for everyday activity, but in a spot that will be seen by you. Each time you pass your grid, focus on your intention to help bring it to fruition. You can leave your grid up for a long as you need to work on this intention.


Once the crystal grid is built you may add a candle of a coresponding color to the stones to help. Incense or herbs can also be added to the grid that corespond to your intention.

Activate Your Grid

Once you have your grid in place, activate it with your intention. This means speaking the intention aloud so that the universe knows your intention. Each time you pass your grid, focus on your intention to help bring it to fruition. 

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Pink Amethyst

 Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Pink Amethyst, Pink amethyst, while real amethyst, forms when Hematite enters into the equation of formation. Its pink colouring gives it a distinguished hue when compared to regular, purple amethyst. Many view pink amethyst to be a much softer and even more feminine version of regular purple amethyst crystal. But despite its softer appearance, it is no less powerful than purple amethyst.

Beyond its aesthetic appearance, this enchanting crystal has unique properties that are said to help in the cleansing and balancing of the physical, emotional, and mental levels. According to energy healers, the Pink Amethyst's pure, high-frequency energy stimulates the Heart Chakra, Third Eye, and Crown Chakra. Chrystal therapists are using Pink Amethyst to aid in the opening of the Heart Chakra. It can be especially beneficial for people enduring grief, sadness, and anxiety. 

The feminine essence of this crystal remains consistent throughout all of its metaphysical properties. Pink amethyst is a balancer, healer, womb-warmer and comforter, through and through. The properties of this stone seek to fill the heart with love at all times, which is not a common attribute for any form of amethyst. This gentle love energy is deeply connected to the spirits, but in a healing way as opposed to a psychic way. Regular purple amethyst is more concerned with the psychic. 

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Pink Amethyst

You’re likely to find your intuition is increased when working with pink amethyst. This may offer you comfort during any form of sadness or grief, as you’ll have a heightened sense of truth no matter what adversity you are facing. Pink amethyst is also a potent emotional balancer. During overwhelming interactions, you’ll be enabled to stay calm and collected, often neutralizing the energetic charge of the situation at hand. 

Pink amethyst is a neutralizer of anxiety; even those who suffer from debilitating, chronic angst have seen improvement after long term use of this new crystal. Pink amethyst is a stress reliever. If you, or someone you know, suffers from unwavering stress, there could be relief in keeping this stone close by. Similarly, pink amethyst may be able to treat physical ailments associated with intense stress, such as gut disorder, high blood pressure, and an over-sensitive nervous system. Pink amethyst may reduce headaches when worn religiously. In the same regard, it may also induce lucid dreaming, as it is working so closely with the brain and mind. Keep it under your pillow if such an experience sounds like something you might like to enjoy.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Pink Amethyst

Because it is a symbol of love, pink amethyst is an ideal gift to give to a loved one. It will help them realize how much they are loved and will strengthen your bond with them. Pink amethyst is also a wonderful gift to give someone who has suffered the loss of a loved one. It will help them realize that they are not alone and that love is still present in their life. Pink amethyst will help you communicate your feelings to others in a way that they can understand. It is also an excellent stone for empaths because it will allow them to feel the emotions of others without being overwhelmed. Pink amethyst is a stone that will help you to heal your heart, mind and body. It will also help you to understand yourself better and find the happiness within yourself.

Pink amethyst is associated with higher powers that can help you achieve spiritual enlightenment. This stone can be used during meditation or prayer to achieve this level of consciousness. It connects you to the spiritual plane and helps you find your true purpose in life. Pink amethyst is associated with love, hope, peace and happiness. It also has a special connection with the heart chakra. Spiritually, pink amethyst can be used to heal the heart and release negative emotions. It is also thought to help increase love in relationships. Pink amethyst can be used to enhance creativity and intuition. It also helps you to see things from a new perspective, giving you the ability to solve problems in your life with ease.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Pink Amethyst

This gemstone helps strengthen bonds between people who are close to each other but may not always see eye-to-eye on life decisions or goals. The wearer feels calmer and more confident in their own skin and is able to see the good qualities of those around them. Pink amethyst is a great crystal for people who are sensitive or empathic, as it helps to ground them and shield them from the negativity of others. The stone is a good choice for those who are too giving, or who have trouble saying no when they should.

Pink amethyst can help you realize that you are not alone and love is still there. It helps in terms of communicating feelings, and it boosts empathy, you can feel others’ emotions without actually feeling overwhelmed. Pink Amethyst helps fill your heart with deep love, radiance and sensuality. This warm and loving energy from the crystal can aid in mending broken hearts and bereaved spirits. This crystal is essential for self-care and love as it shields us from negative energy and wraps us in tenderness and warmth. When working with Pink Amethyst, you often feel extra love for yourself and serenity within. Pink Amethyst also increases intuition, connects you to divine love and aids one in becoming non-judgemental. 

The healing energy of Pink Amethyst finds you in that beautiful middle ground between spirit and heart. Pink Amethyst will help you to heal any Heart Chakra wound that you may have been holding onto. The energy of Pink Amethyst can help you to break down your walls and begin to process any emotional wounds you may have been struggling with. One of the most complex Heart Chakra blockages can include intimacy wounds. Pink Amethyst lends both its healing, as well as its calming nature as you begin to work through those traumas which have kept your Heart Chakra closed. Allow Pink Amethyst to connect you with your spirit guides and be guided through any healing that you have been seeking. The properties of Pink Amethyst will help you to face any relationship issues that you may have with peace, tranquility, and healing. 

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Pink Amethyst

Pink Amethyst can be used in various ways to benefit from its wonderful energy. Placed under the pillow, can help us to experience lucid dreams and awaken with a clearer memory of what you dreamt about. You can also display Pink Amethyst geodes at home or at our workplace to cleanse the environment and cast away negative spirits.

It can be used in a crystal grid for love with other Heart Chakra crystals like Rose Quartz, Rhodochrosite, and Thulite. Displayed in the bedroom, or in the children's room, Pink Amethyst creates a loving and peaceful ambiance.


Astrological Sign: Virgo

Chakra: Crown, Heart, Third Eye

Element: Earth

Planet: Mercury

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Vesuvianite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Vesuvianite, Its action helps you to override the energy of the ego, and its vibration is a strong aid for spiritual growth, and forward movement in your life. It has strong metaphysical properties, that help you to embrace the desires of the higher self and the true yearnings of the heart.

Vesuvianite brings us closer to the higher realms and provides an easier link to our sense of higher self. It facilitates the seeing and the understanding of things on this earth that have no substance.  Psychologically, Vesuvianite (Idocrase) releases feelings of imprisonment and restraint, dissolves anger and alleviates fear and negativity. It helps to create a sense of inner security, opens the mind and stimulates inventiveness and the urge to discover, linking into creativity. Vesuvianite banishes depression and clears negative thought patterns so that the mind can function more clearly.

Vesuvianite helps with balancing and activating your digestive processes and enhances the intake of nutrients from food. This stone may relieve stress based illnesses, calm a racing heart and pulse.  Vesuvianite is a stone of support, it can be used to help strengthen the legs and feet, to counter varicose and spider veins and to enhance the integrity and strength of all types of tissues in the body. It will support and enhance the healing process for those of you with poor blood circulation, high blood pressure, anaemia and heart disease.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Vesuvianite

Vesuvianite is an ancient Earthen amulet bearing healing properties that resonate directly with one’s soul center. Our inner core contains our deepest experiences that may transcend time and space. These external occurrences could have occurred in past lives, but were so traumatic, that it affected your soul enough to carry over into your present life. Some examples stem from extreme childhood fears and constant misdirected emotional distress. If not properly dealt with and exhumed from our newly acquired physical vessel, our pain will consume the current life we live. It may not be felt each day, but subconsciously this negativity is gaining more control over your soul daily. To address this, one must bear a fearless mentality and “jump into the fire” of our own emotional plagues.

Vesuvianite has been used for years because of its powerful physical, emotional, and spiritual effects on the user. If you find it hard to let go of destructive emotions and negativity, you can use the powers of verdite or Vesuvianite to learn to free yourself of emotions that take a toll on your mental health. Vesuvianite is the go-to stone for people suffering from chronic depression, a deep sense of guilt, and regret, because it relieves all of these by slowly enabling you to climb out of darkness. People who have lost hope in life and do not look forward to the future anymore must use Vesuvianite to awaken in them the spirit to appreciate and live life with full zeal and zest.

Vesuvianite is renown for its ability to assist you in releasing anger and dispelling negativity. It relieves feelings of claustrophobia especially in relationships. Vesuvianite breaks the chains by which you feel bound and helps you to escape repetitive negative thoughts and actions that strengthen them. It also speeds healthy weight loss where over eating has an emotional basis. It will ease unfounded fear, chronic depression and unwarranted guilt. This stone encourages you to feel loyalty to family. Use vesuvianite to encourage team effort and reduce confrontations with bosses and coworkers.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Vesuvianite

Likewise, a deep sense of hope can be instilled in you due to Vesuvianite which will help you eliminate thoughts and actions which keep dragging you down towards hopelessness. For people wanting to be more adventurous, this stone can be a huge blessing because it makes one open to challenges and exploration of uncharted territories. Vesuvianite is important for people who suffer from an inferiority complex because it will teach them the art of self-love and self-acceptance.

Vesuvianite expels the depths of these experiences and thrusts them to the surface. Through deep meditation, one may begin going through these trauma inducing thoughts and push to relinquish them from not only your life, but your precious soul as well. With each meditation session, Vesuvianite provides one the strength and desire to induce the heart with soothing tranquility, allowing an open well to flow and provide nourishment to our entire body.

Vesuvianite, “The Stone of Support”; its used to help release pent up anger in a gentle way that helps an individual find balance in their emotions. Vesuvianite helps to connect the Heart Chakra with the spiritual realms, accessing the higher self and its connection to Source, which is love. Vesuvianite offers a direct link to the higher-self to acquire the information one needs to understand their soul purpose during this incarnation. Vesuvianite is great for empathy, either to enhance it or dial it down for those who are highly sensitive. It’s said to provide strength and courage and to help ease depression or get to the root cause of our feelings.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Vesuvianite

Vesuvianite helps you feel more connected to your physical body and life. It can bring the necessary insight into realigning your mundane life to match your spiritual visions and inner truth. This stone heals the emotional heart and increases your zest for life. It opens your heart to joy, lifts depression and a lack of desire for living. Vesuvianite enhances your courage to be open to love and change entering your life.
This stone heals the emotional heart; it will keep you from giving up on life and losing the will to live. It restores joy, peacefulness, gentleness, unconditional love and self love. It lifts depression and feelings of uselessness and being unwanted. Vesuvianite draws love into your life, makes you ready to love again. It facilitates ending the need for revenge; ends hate, envy and jealously and will aid you in your recovery from self hate. Vesuvianite cleanses and energises the aura, assists you in seeing auras more clearly and helps you keep in contact with your spiritual nature even when earthly matters demand attention.

Do not worry if you have a major meeting or an intimate dinner coming up because Vesuvianite will give you the confidence to act assertively in situations which are daunting. You need to let go of thoughts and feelings which do not benefit you anymore and focus only on the aspects of life which truly matter, and Vesuvianite can assist you in doing so. It is time for you to let go of your fears and doubts which stop you from progressing in life because Vesuvianite is famed to release fears and inhibitions. All those people trying to overcome their mental health problems and attending counseling sessions or going through psychotherapy will benefit from the power of this great stone to heal people with mental issues.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Vesuvianite

​Vesuvianite is useful for combatting negative thoughts and brining enthusiasm back into your life. It will help you achieve the insights and inspiration necessary to move forward in your spiritual development. It will help you in releasing unconscious fears and limiting beliefs. It will assist you to develop assertiveness and help the timid in overcoming a fear of confrontation, It will help you safely open old wounds and bad memories so that you are able to release them and move forward in your life.

Vesuvianite is thought to be a great stone for teeth as it restores the enamel on the tooth. It’s also thought to be good for restoring a sense of smell. It is believed to help diverticulitis and digestive issues and the absorption of nutrients and minerals. It is thought to help skin issues like eczema or acne.


Astrological Sign: Capricorn, Sagittarius

Chakra: Heart

Element: Earth

Planet: Earth

Crystals By Rob: https://www.crystalsbyrob.online

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Hickoryite

 Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Hickoryite, Hickoryite is also called Autumn Hickoryite. It is a Banded variety of rhyolite. Hickoryite is a red, pink, and yellow banded variety of Rhyolite that comes from Rodeo, State of Durango, Mexico. Autumn or rainbow hickoryite is mostly brown or tan with red, pink, or yellow bands. It is similar in appearance to wonderstone but wonderstone is slightly harder. The striations or banding occur due the lava flow during the formation of the stone. The name Hickoryite comes from the resemblance to the wood from the hickory tree.

Hickoryite is believed to enhance the originality and creativity of its users. Both of these aspects are very important to have while it comes to attaining excellence in any field. If you belong to the domain of creative arts, then Rainbow Hickoryite will be an ideal choice for you. Moreover, the importance of inspiration is also high in today’s world.

This stone is said to bring imagination, adventure, flair, while decreasing boredom and negativity, An uncommon stone, popular in South West of America. Brings new ideas and flair to artists, designers and anyone who needs a boost to innovative thinking.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Hickoryite

Hickoryite helps one better understand themselves and the complex universe around them. Energies full of strength, endurance, drive, and transformation flow from this stone, just like the magma that once created this volcanic rock. This flow helps one balance their polarities and realign your chakra column. As this is occurring, one's emotional and mental state will slowly change due to the foreign presence moving into your “core”. As you build a deeper connection with the energies being channeled through you, you may find comfort in absorbing and releasing the blockages that are built up within your soul. These emotions can stem from past traumas or fear for what's to come. As one is unable to reverse the past or control the future, they must live in the now.

Perceived as a balancing stone, Hickoryite is often recommended to increase self-esteem, self-worth while helping to bring resolution to issues. It is stone that is thought to facilitate change, variety and progress while helping to deal calmly with challenges. Hickoryite is believed to assist in fulfilling one's goals and making one's dreams come true, while strengthening the soul, body and mind. Hickoryite has strong associations with the Earth. And while it is not a birthstone, it is a zodiac stone of Gemini, Sagittarius and Aquarius.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Hickoryite

Hickoryite awakens the strength within you, helping you power through the day and achieve some form of joy and happiness. It helps to serve as a daily reminder to take time for yourself to actively create and pursue goals. These are vital to building one’s confidence so that you can show yourself, and the universe, your true capabilities. You are capable of anything if your heart, soul, and mind are aligned. The limitation is not external, and never will be.

Creativity is the language of the soul and if it could speak, it might tell you to be a little kinder to yourself, especially if you're drawn to the Hickoryite crystal. While pink stones like Rhodochrosite and Rose Quartz help attract love into your life, the Hickoryite crystal meaning is all about self-love, its radiant energy infusing your spirit with pure joy, like an antidepressant but without any side effects.

Hickoryite is believed to strengthen the mind, body and soul and is useful for past-life healing. It is thought to help us to process the past and integrate it with the present, bringing us peace of mind by teaching us to live in the moment. It may aid in bringing insight and resolution to difficulties, stimulating solutions and promoting forward movement in life. Furthermore, it is believed to enhance self-esteem, self worth, self respect and deepens the acceptance of our true self. It may help us to heal old emotional wounds and deal with challenging circumstances calmly and with inner strength. It is used to aid communication with animals and the realm of Nature.

When you're working on self-love and acceptance, rhyolite makes a fantastic addition to your crystal collection. This stone pulls double duty and connects to the energy in your heart chakra and solar plexus chakra.

Hickoryite's soothing energy works to move the energy in your heart center, allowing you to balance this chakra and feel more love for yourself and others. Greater self-love also leads to greater self-respect as you honor and accept your unique qualities. Because of Hickoryite's effect on your solar plexus chakra, you might notice increased feelings of self-esteem and self-worth. Aligning these two chakras allows you to experience a sense of renewal. 

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Hickoryite

It's much easier to take action and feel in charge of your life when you feel content with yourself inside and out. When you don't have a positive self-image, you can feel unworthy of going after what you want most. For instance, are you always putting things off until the last minute because you think the pressure helps you work best? Procrastination is a common form of self-sabotage and can indicate low self-worth. It's much easier to leave behind habits that don't serve you when you value and treasure yourself in all ways.

Other helpful stones include Obsidian for recognizing your authentic self, and rain forest Jasper (a form of green rhyolite also known as Australian rainforest jasper) to encourage even more self-love.

You might be struggling with resentful emotions tied to events in your past or feel unable to live in the present moment because of future worries. Whatever keeps you from finding peace of mind, Hickoryite or other varieties of rhyolite's grounding vibrations may free you from emotional stressors and negative energy. 

Keeping a Hickoryite stone in your pocket can act as a quick reminder to slow down. When you feel the need, pull out your stone and use it as an anchor to the present moment. You'll find shifting your focus from your emotions to something else can give you a sense of grounding when you need it most.


Astrological Sign: Aquarius, Gemini, Sagittarius

Chakra: Heart, Root, Solar Plexus

Element: Earth

Planet: Earth

Crystals By Rob: https://www.crystalsbyrob.online

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Variscite

 Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Variscite, Variscite is a hydrated aluminum phosphate mineral that is often confused with Turquoise. It’s a rare stone that forms in varying shades of green. You will be dazzled by Variscite stones that are apple green, deep green, or blue-green in color. You will also be impressed by stones that are white or grey with brown inclusions. Rarely does it occur in crystal form, but when it does it is seen in an octahedral shape. Variscite can sometimes be seen with a white mineral called Crandallite formed within or on it. These combo specimens are highly desired by jewelers to be cut into cabochons.

Variscite, also known as Utahlite, is a very rare hydrated aluminum phosphate mineral that crystallizes in the form of masses and crusts. Rarely does it occur in crystal form, but when it does it is seen in an octahedral shape. Variscite can sometimes be seen with a white mineral called Crandallite formed within or on it. These combo specimens are highly desired by jewelers to be cut into cabochons.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Variscite

Variscite invites us to step into our most authentic self and to boldly show the world who we really are. It amplifies our courage and our sense of integrity, making it virtually impossible to indulge in pretense or conformity. Variscite helps us to be true to ourselves and what we love, and to enjoy the life we choose regardless of the opinions of others. It teaches us to be more conscious, and to align ourselves with whatever brings us joy and peace. Variscite also encourages us to be more interested in spiritual matters and to expand our knowledge and belief systems. It gently shifts us so that we can be more awakened and able to feel the divine frequencies of Love and Truth.

Variscite calms and soothes the mind, therefore being a good stone for meditation.  It helps you to think clearly and increases perception.  It encourages self-expression and the communication of ideas.  Variscite provides hope and courage, being extremely helpful in supporting invalids and their caregivers to continue to deal with the dis-ease that illness can create.  It stimulates the heart chakra, bringing unconditional love and understanding to all situations.

Variscite has a calm and hopeful energy. It lifts our spirits when we are feeling down and low, and soothes us when we are feeling restless and uneasy. Variscite is gently encouraging and empowering. It opens the heart and encourages us to love ourselves and others more fully, and to practice deep compassion and radical acceptance. Variscite shows us how to release false negative judgments and to see ourselves and others through kinder eyes. It helps us to be more willing to learn, able to make mistakes and be wrong, and eager to grow. Variscite teaches us the awesome power of unconditional love and shows us that when we live from that place, great things result.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Variscite

Variscite helps with past-life exploration and memory.  It works on an astral and etheric level for healing via the Central Nervous System and at DNA level. Variscite, treats abdominal distension and is helpful for blood flow problems.  It relieves cramps and regenerates elasticity of veins and skin.  Variscite heals the nervous system.  It helps disorders of the male reproductive system, including impotence. It has the ability to align and balance your connection to your body, mind, and spirit. Variscite will show you how you can harness your personal power by focusing on your strengths, and by turning your weaknesses into more strengths.

Variscite is an exceptional heart stone that helps one connect with their inner being. This mineral heavily promotes inner peace and clarity of the mind, while helping one slowly establish control over their emotional body. Working with this mineral helps teach our minds to simplify every situation and stop obsessing over the outcome. We have little control over anything in this world except for our own emotions and how we react. Variscite is here to serve as a reminder of that and push you to slow down and live in the moment. Connect with the things and beings around you and allow their love to transcend you into unimaginable heights. Meditate with this stone daily over your heart space to maximize its healing potential. Focus on the negative emotions that may already exist inside of you when beginning to work with Variscite.

Variscite helps to clear our head of emotional fog or confusion, allowing us to see the world clearly and honestly. It increases our abilities for discernment, keen perception, logic, and reasoning. It helps us to better understand why other people act, talk, and think as they do, and how to best interact with them in ways that will edify and uplift both parties. Variscite helps us to appreciate simplicity and to let go of unnecessary weight, whether that be too many physical possessions or unhealthy emotional attachments. Variscite invites us to have a less-complicated life, without drama or self-destructive habits. It encourages us to make necessary changes, and slowly but surely, create a positive, sustainable, and emotionally enriching lifestyle. Variscite helps us to always have ‘enough’. It also helps us to properly express ourselves so that we can be accurately understood by others.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Variscite

Variscite is helpful for past life exploration, it stimulates insights into the cause of disease and reframing situations. It brings in hope when things feel hopeless or when you’re feeling depleted and exhausted. It reduces or clears nervousness and anxiety. It supports sobriety yet helps maintain a fun and enjoyable lifestyle. Variscite is thought to be excellent for the male reproductive system. It is said to treat acidity in the body and illnesses caused by too much acid including gout and gastritis. It is also believed to balance the energy of the nervous system and assist circulation and abdominal distension. It is thought to be beneficial for peaceful sleep.

It’s an excellent stone for meditation because it will effectively and quickly calm the mind. It will also help you be still and silent. Variscite is also known as a ‘True Worry Stone’ because it will remove the fear, worry, anxiety, and tension in your body. It’s a stone that’s also used by healers to relieve stress and depression. Variscite will restore your depleted energy supply. You will get that boost of energy, motivation, or inspiration simply by having this stone near your personal auric field.

Variscite is an excellent love and relationship stone since it aids in the release of anguish and despair. It has a great aura of love and powerful compassion that can assist in bringing people together who might otherwise struggle to find common ground. If you are in any form of relationship with people, Variscite can guide you to cherish it. Variscite will bring the energy of joy, hope, understanding, forgiveness, courage, and happiness to your relationship if you're in one. 

Variscite also applies to relationships with coworkers with whom you have trouble forming any kind of bond. It will make you feel at ease around people who have very different views or ideas than you. Variscite has the potential to create a sense of community in these types of circumstances. 

You'll have more trust and faith in one another. This stone will improve your romantic life by bringing sentiments of love, hope, passion, and desire into your life. Variscite is a stone that encourages you to let go of your masks. Allow your actual self to shine through, and don't feel obligated to achieve perfection.

This stone has many healing properties like it helps to treat abdominal distension and also helps your improve your blood flow. It helps you improve and regenerate the elasticity of veins and skins and also relieves cramps. Besides this it also heals the nervous system. It also has a special healing property of healing impotency and other disorders of male reproductive system. It strengthens your memory and helps you explore your past life. It can also provide you the emotional strength to deal with all kinds of illness and sickness including the family members, friends and relatives.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Variscite

Variscite is recommended for anyone suffering from chronic pain or fatigue who is feeling emotional as a result. Variscite reminds us that the physical body and the emotional body are deeply entwined, and that when one part suffers it is normal for the other part to respond in kind. Variscite is an excellent teacher when we are working on our brain chemistry and trying to find a good life balance. It encourages us to pay attention to what we eat and how those foods affect our body and mood. It also encourages us to notice what causes stress and whether our stress responses are reasonable. Variscite reminds us that coping mechanisms are great for short-term problems, but can be negative habits if used long-term.  Eventually we have to stop “coping,” and actually face the problem and start the healing process. It may not be easy or pleasant, but it is the way to peace and wellbeing. Variscite is also a lovely talisman to help with digestion, joint pain, and male infertility.

Variscite's therapeutic powers also allow you to cut back on bad habits keeping you from achieving your goals. When you first start working with Variscite, concentrate on any negative feelings you may already be experiencing. It's a fantastic way to help you if you are in a stressful situation or anxious. Variscite improves your life by instilling inner calm, love, and compassion and assisting you in problem-solving. It helps you have more faith in the spirit's power and aids emotional recovery. This path of self-discovery can only be fruitful if you allow yourself the time and space to concentrate on yourself rather than directing on unhealthy habits.

Similar to Tanzanite, the Variscite mineral will be a great companion to aid in teaching your minds to simplify situations and quit stressing over the outcome. Except for your feelings and reactions, you have little influence over anything in this world. Variscite is here to remind you of this and encourage you to slow down and enjoy the moment. Variscite soothes the mind and makes it easier to enter a meditative state. It improves mental clarity and promotes a happy mental state by relieving tension and repairing your emotions. This stone's energy may help you learn more effectively and tackle challenging difficulties you have previously been unable to overcome.


Astrological Sign: Scorpio, Taurus, Gemini

Chakra: Heart

Element: Air

Planet: Venus